




I have 3 tables:


ProductId    PName     PDescription


AttributeID  attName
----         ----
1            Brand
2            Category
3            Artist


paId   ProductId  AttributeID AttributeValues

A product can have multiple attributes.

Here's the desired output:

ProductId  ProductDesc  Brand    Category    Artist
---        ---          ---      ---         ---
1          sadasd       Brand1   Category1   Artist1
2          sadasds      Brand2   Category3   Artist4

How can I get this output?

Thanks in advance.


Try this query, maybe some tweak required

Select pm.ProductId, pm.PDescription, pav1.AttributeValues, pav2.AttributeValues, pav3.AttributeValues 
from Productmaster pm, ProductAttributeValues pav1, ProductAttributeValues pav2, ProductAttributeValues pav3 
where pm.ProductId = pav1.ProductId 
and pav1.AttributeID = 1 
and pm.ProductId = pav2.ProductId 
and pav2.AttributeID = 2 
and pm.ProductId = pav3.ProductId 
and pav3.AttributeID = 3
prefer joins [also did code tidy)
Dead account
Thanks Ian, could you please tell me how to get that scrolling fram for the code. Is there any link on website which talks about this and other useful tid bits.
Thanks I Had Done That
@Bhushan - Highlight the code and above the post text box there is an icon with binary in it. That sets the text to "code". If you hover over each of the icons you can get a tooltip of what each one is.
Tom H.
+1  A: 

You should left join for each attribute value you want to pull in, e.g.

select p.ProductId,p.ProductDesc,
a1.AttributeValues as Brand,
a2.AttributeValues as Category, 
a3.AttributeValues as Artist,
from Product p
left join ProductAttributeValues a1 on(p.ProductId=a1.ProductId and a1.AttributeID=1)
left join ProductAttributeValues a2 on(p.ProductId=a2.ProductId and a2.AttributeID=2)
left join ProductAttributeValues a3 on(p.ProductId=a3.ProductId and a3.AttributeID=3)

To turn this back into English, "give me all products, and for each one, give me a brand, category and artist attribute if they exist"

I've assumed that a product has only one or zero values for each attribute.

Paul Dixon
+1  A: 

Assumed that every attribute appears exactly once per product:

  pm.ProductId as ProductId,
  pm.PDescription as ProductDesc,
  pav_Brand.AttributeValues as Brand,
  pav_Category.AttributeValues as Category,
  pav_Artist.AttributeValues as Artist
  ProductMaster pm
    inner join ProductAttributeValues pav_Brand 
      on pm.productId == pav_Brand.ProductId
    inner join Attributes a_Brand 
      on pav_Brand.AttributeId = a_Brand.AttributeId
        AND a_Brand.attName = 'Brand'
    inner join ProductAttributeValues pav_Category 
      on pm.productId == pav_Category.ProductId
    inner join Attributes a_Category 
      on pav_Category.AttributeId = a_Category.AttributeId
        AND a_Brand.attName = 'Category'
    inner join ProductAttributeValues pav_Artist 
      on pm.productId == pav_Artist.ProductId
    inner join Attributes a_Artist 
      on pav_Category.AttributeId = a_Artist.AttributeId
        AND a_Brand.attName = 'Artist'

You can use left outer joins if the data is not always available.

Stefan Steinegger
SELECT  ProductId, ProductDesc,
        SELECT  AttributeValues
        FROM    ProductAttributeValues pv
        WHERE   pv.AttributeID = 1
                AND pv.ProductID = p.ProductID
        ) AS Brand,
        SELECT  AttributeValues
        FROM    ProductAttributeValues pv
        WHERE   pv.AttributeID = 2
                AND pv.ProductID = p.ProductID
        ) AS Category,
        SELECT  AttributeValues
        FROM    ProductAttributeValues pv
        WHERE   pv.AttributeID = 3
                AND pv.ProductID = p.ProductID
        ) AS Artist
FROM    Products p