



Hi, I have a .bat file shown below in which I want to redirect the whole contents present in my IDE to some text file.

D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run
D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3>C:\ThreePartition\output.txt 

I am able to just get some partial output i.e I am unable to get the errors which are thrown during compilation or building process. Is this correct or Can anyone suggest any other way??

Thanks a lot Maddy


Your batch is redirecting all messages from wrenv.exe that are sent to the standard output.

I never used WinRiver but usually IDEs manage the console internally and don't log any messages on the standard output/error stream.

It is maybe possible to set the output of the console of the IDE though. If it is, try to set it to the standard output.

Valentin Jacquemin

I think you want to combine both those lines into one:

D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run >C:\ThreePartition\output.txt

OK, looking at your posts here, here and here, it seems you want to log the compilation process. The command for that will be something like (all on one line):

make ThreePartition.mak >C:\ThreePartition\output.txt

Assuming there's a file called ThreePartition.mak.

The command you've been using so far is designed to simply open an interface where you can type commands, which is why you get no output. If you want to log simulation, or a kernel build, there is a file called vxworks_cli_tools_users_guide_6.6.pdf which describes the command line interface, including vxprj in full detail.

Also, are you really using a nant script to call a .vbs to call a .bat to call wrenv.exe? I'm sure there's a simpler way to do that.

But tats not at all working Mark.I had tried that der any other way??

You can try this: D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 > C:\ThreePartition\output.txt 2>&1

You can find a good explanation here. Basically you need to redirect both stdout AND stderr to your file.

Best regards.

Hey maurico,Thanks a lot buddy,but i see another bottleneck i.e the IDe is running in the background,But i am able to get the whole contents into the text file successfully.I want my IDE to run in the forefront too.
Hey mauricio, Thats not running in the forefronti mean my IDE.Can u plz suggest me any alternative answer??

Hi mark,Thanks a lot for the input.yes perfect i am actuall using a .vbs which calls a .bat file and then which calls my wrenv.exe.Do u have any other method in ur mind,if so plz kindly let me know about it.

I'm afraid I don't have a copy of VxWorks, but I'm sure you'll be able to find documentation within that program. Search for command line arguments.
Don't post comments as answers. And (in my opinion) don't over-abbreviate.

Hi mark, I am able to log the whole compilation and also the errors in my build using this one:

D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run > C:\ThreePartition\output.txt 2>&1

But there is another probs.I dont see my IDE running.Its running in the background.i want the IDE to run in the forefront.

I am totally new to thsi windriver.I am doing this as a part of automation process using this IDE. So i think i am very close to my answer,I really need just a click to get there.

Thanks Maddy

Read the documentation. Most applications provide an IDE *or* CLI, not both at the same time. I understand it can be frustrating to get something that looks simple to work, but I don't have a copy of VXWorks, so I'm working blind.