Hi all,
I'm working on tracking down some difficult to find memory leaks in my iPhone program. I'm running a quick test on an app which leaks an NSString object with the following intentionally -incorrect- code:
-(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification;
NSMutableString *test = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[test appendString:@"Testing 1"];
[test appendString:@"\nTesting 2"];
NSLog(@"%@", test);
// Uncomment the following line to release the
// string and clean up your leak.
// [test release], test = nil;
After running leaks on the process ID of the application, I come up with the following:
sf$ leaks 3951
Process 3951: 9988 nodes malloced for 1260 KB
Process 3951: 3 leaks for 128 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x163b50 size=64 instance of 'NSCFDictionary', type ObjC, implemented in Foundation
0xa07e0720 0x01001080 0x0000000a 0x00000010 .~.............
0x0000000a 0x0000000c 0x0000000b 0x00000000 ................
0x00000000 0x00000015 0xa1b1c1d3 0x00163b90 .............;..
0x00163bd0 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 .;..............
Leak: 0x178190 size=32 string 'Testing 1
Testing 2'
Leak: 0x178210 size=32 instance of 'NSCFString', type ObjC, implemented in CoreFoundation
0xa02e24a0 0x010007ad 0x00178190 0x00000013 .$..............
0x00000020 0x00000200 0x00000000 0x00000000 ...............
Now, we all know where the leak is. That's not the point of this exercise, for me at least. I'm trying to recognize how to make sense of this output. I'm being told that there are 3 leaks.
They're objects which are located at the memory addresses 0x163b50, 0x178190, 0x178210. Their implementation is in Apple frameworks, not my code -- according to 'leaks'. In a trivial example such as the following, finding the leak isn't difficult. However, in an application with 500K lines of code, I find the output from leaks here useless.
What am I doing wrong and how can I make sense of this output to help me find the culprit in the code I've written to clean up my memory leaks?
Please note that this thread shouldn't advocate the usage of Instruments or Clang Static Analyzer. I've cleaned up all memory leaks which Clang Static Analyzer has reported to me. Instruments is bloated and non-informative to me. I'm getting a ton of reports for leaks, none of which the stack traces are showing go back to my own code -- although I'm certain the leak(s) are indeed in my code. I'd like to figure out how to use the cmd line leaks tool here.
Thanks all.
EDIT: Even after uncommenting the lines to clean up the leaks, the 'leaks' utility complains even more than it did when there was leaks. Is Foundation/Cocoa leaking that much from such a trivial example? This occurs after uncommenting the release for the test string above:
sf$ leaks 4383
Process 4383: 9890 nodes malloced for 1255 KB
Process 4383: 7 leaks for 560 total leaked bytes.
Leak: 0x163920 size=176 instance of 'NSPathStore2', type ObjC, implemented in Foundation
0xa07e2ae0 0x04f00000 0x0055002f 0x00650073 .*~...../.U.s.e.
0x00730072 0x0073002f 0x002f0066 0x0069004c r.s./.s.f./.L.i.
0x00720062 0x00720061 0x002f0079 0x00700041 b.r.a.r.y./.A.p.
0x006c0070 0x00630069 0x00740061 0x006f0069 p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.
0x0020006e 0x00750053 0x00700070 0x0072006f n. .S.u.p.p.o.r.
0x002f0074 0x00490053 0x0042004d 0x002f004c t./.S.I.M.B.L./.
0x006c0050 0x00670075 0x006e0069 0x002f0073 P.l.u.g.i.n.s./.
0x00650054 0x006d0072 0x006e0069 0x006c0061 T.e.r.m.i.n.a.l.
Leak: 0x163350 size=160 instance of 'NSPathStore2', type ObjC, implemented in Foundation
0xa07e2ae0 0x04a00000 0x0055002f 0x00650073 .*~...../.U.s.e.
0x00730072 0x0073002f 0x002f0066 0x0069004c r.s./.s.f./.L.i.
0x00720062 0x00720061 0x002f0079 0x00700041 b.r.a.r.y./.A.p.
0x006c0070 0x00630069 0x00740061 0x006f0069 p.l.i.c.a.t.i.o.
0x0020006e 0x00750053 0x00700070 0x0072006f n. .S.u.p.p.o.r.
0x002f0074 0x00490053 0x0042004d 0x002f004c t./.S.I.M.B.L./.
0x006c0050 0x00670075 0x006e0069 0x002f0073 P.l.u.g.i.n.s./.
0x00650044 0x0069006c 0x00690063 0x0075006f D.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.
Leak: 0x1635a0 size=64 instance of 'NSCFDictionary', type ObjC, implemented in Foundation
0xa07e0720 0x01001080 0x0000000a 0x00000010 .~.............
0x0000000a 0x0000000c 0x0000000b 0x00000000 ................
0x00000000 0x00000015 0xa1b1c1d3 0x001635e0 .............5..
0x00163620 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 6..............
Leak: 0x163620 size=64
0xa02ed360 0x00160ee0 0x00163700 0xa02efc00 `........7......
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00163680 0x00000000 .........6......
0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00163660 0xa02ed440 ........`6..@...
0xa02ec1a0 0xa02f0420 0x00000000 0x00163660 .... ./.....`6..
Leak: 0x163680 size=48 instance of 'NSCFString', type ObjC, implemented in CoreFoundation
0xa02e24a0 0x0100078c 0x6d6f6323 0x6c65642e .$......#com.del
0x6f696369 0x61737375 0x69726166 0x6c65442e icioussafari.Del
0x6f696369 0x61537375 0x69726166 0x00000000 iciousSafari....
Leak: 0x163660 size=32 instance of 'NSCFString', type ObjC, implemented in CoreFoundation
0xa02e24a0 0x0200078c 0x6c65440f 0x6f696369 .$.......Delicio
0x61537375 0x69726166 0x00000000 0x00000000 usSafari........
Leak: 0x160ee0 size=16 instance of 'NSCFString', type ObjC, implemented in CoreFoundation
0xa02e24a0 0x0100078c 0x362e3103 0x00000000 .$.......1.6....