I've only been able to find two thus far, namely TinyRadius, which itself discourages production use and AXL, which is pay-only.
JRadius seems tied to FreeRADIUS, which isn't a library and will need a lot of cajoling to function like one.
I've only been able to find two thus far, namely TinyRadius, which itself discourages production use and AXL, which is pay-only.
JRadius seems tied to FreeRADIUS, which isn't a library and will need a lot of cajoling to function like one.
List from http://freeradius.org/related/opensource.html (not copying the descriptions because the page says it's copyright rolleyes):
Cistron - http://www.radius.cistron.nl/
GNU Radius - http://http//www.gnu.org/software/radius/
FreeRADIUS - http://freeradius.org/
JRadius - http://jradius.sourceforge.net/
ICRADIUS - http://www.icradius.org/
OpenRADIUS - http://www.openradius.net/
XtRADIUS - http://xtradius.sourceforge.net/
YARD RADIUS - http://sourceforge.net/projects/yardradius
OK, it seems a pure JAVA open-source RADIUS server simply does not exist.
For completeness, I think I'm going to try one of the Python implementations through Jython to get it running in Java and start replacing pieces as and when needed.