
What (good) Java RADIUS server libraries are out there?

I've only been able to find two thus far, namely TinyRadius, which itself discourages production use and AXL, which is pay-only. JRadius seems tied to FreeRADIUS, which isn't a library and will need a lot of cajoling to function like one. ...

How do I throttle my site's API users?

The legitimate users of my site occasionally hammer the server with API requests that cause undesirable results. I want to institute a limit of no more than say one API call every 5 seconds or n calls per minute (haven't figured out the exact limit yet). I could obviously log every API call in a DB and do the calculation on every request...

Empirix hammer and mobile testing is it possible?

Hello, I am looking into the feasibility of automating tests for some mobile apps that have calling functionality. I have been looking around for automated ui testing for mobiles which seems feasible but they all stop short of simulating any voice data. We currently have an old hammer and are looking in to upgrading. Is it possible...