Just when I thought I had it figured out, I get an exception handling error. Problem: The problem is that the private members lose the information outside of the constructor. Here's my class definition
class ClassType
char *cPointer;
int length;
// default constr. needed when allocating in main.
ClassType( const ClassType* );
char otherFunc();
"#include ClassType.h"
ClassType( const ClassType* )
cPointer = ClassType->cPointer;
length = ClassType->length;
ClassType::ClassType( const char *myVar )
cPointer = new char[ strlen( myVar ) + 1 ] //+1 for trailing '\0'
strcpy( cPointer, myVar );
length = strlen( cPointer );
char ClassType::otherFunc()
cPointer; // Nothing is shown when debugging..
cPointer = "MyPointer"; // Results in acrash
length = 5; // Results in a crash
// The main function is working properly.