



I am experimenting with bit pattern matching in Erlang:


%test(P,<<X:P,0:1>>) ->
%    X.

test(P,X) ->
    <<Y:P,0:1>> = X,

when compiling the commented out version of test/2 i get a complaint that "variable 'P' is unbound". Is there any good reason for not allowing the first version to work the same as the second?

+3  A: 

Because in the commented out version P is a length - for it to work Erlang would need to perform a double match - match the value of the 2nd parameter with a pattern which is undetermined...

The question you are asking in a clause pattern match is "is this the clause for me" - you can't 'pop into the clause' and then back out if it isn't...

In the second example X is bound before the match, you are committed to going into the clause and if <<Y:P,0:1>> don't match X, well crash time!

Gordon Guthrie

The reason is that arguments to the function are evaluated independent of each other. The correctness of bindings to variables in only checked as a second step.

This means that in your first example P will be unbound when evaluating the second argument, which is against the rules of pattern matching. In contrast, in your second example, P is bound at the time of evaluating the pattern match on the binary.
