
How to use BITS to download from a UNC path?

Whats the best way to distribute files to users in remote offices, using BITS with a UNC path or BITS with HTTP? I have a VB.NET project which downloads from a HTTP path currently but there is added complexity involved (having a web server, etc). Or is there a better way to do this? Low bandwith usage is more important than speed of sy...

What is the best way to do Bit Field manipulation in Python?

I'm reading some MPEG Transport Stream protocol over UDP and it has some funky bitfields in it (length 13 for example). I'm using the "struct" library to do the broad unpacking, but is there a simple way to say "Grab the next 13 bits" rather than have to hand-tweak the bit manipulation? I'd like something like the way C does bit fields (...

Bit Twiddle to perform this conversion

curious if anyone might have some insight in how I would do the following to a binary number: convert 01+0 -> 10+1 (+ as in regular expressions, one or more) 01 -> 10 10 -> 01 so, 10101000010100011100 01010100101010100010 and to clarify that this isn't a simple inversion: 000000100000000000 000001010000000000 I w...

need help - bit-field conversion

I want to convert strings to bit-fields.Also,convert them to binary and then use. Need help with me .. ...

How to write bits to a file?

How to write bits (not bytes) to a file with c#, .net? I'm preety stuck with it. Edit: i'm looking for a different way that just writing every 8 bits as a byte ...

Questions about using the Background Intelligent Transfer Service

I have a few questions in regards to using the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) as a scheme to add auto-updating capabilities to a windows application. 1 - If a user disables the Windows Update process, does Windows disables BITS? 2 - How does BITS interact with firewalls (hardware and software)? For example, I install ...

VB.NET and BITS - Background Intelligent Transfer Service

Has any one used BITs in VB.NET? If so, do you have code samples and advice? I was looking at SharpBits but I have a VB project that I wanted to use BITS for. Is it possible to use it with my VB.NET program? (.NET 2.0) I was tempted to try to convert each class to VB.NET in the SharpBits.Base folder but figured I'd ask in case som...

Why no dynamic bit pattern in function argument?

I am experimenting with bit pattern matching in Erlang: -module(test). -export([test/2]). %test(P,<<X:P,0:1>>) -> % X. test(P,X) -> <<Y:P,0:1>> = X, Y. when compiling the commented out version of test/2 i get a complaint that "variable 'P' is unbound". Is there any good reason for not allowing the first version to work th...

Using HTTPS with BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service)

Hi all, I am writing a client application that needs to send a file via BITS to my server. I have everything working for the most part, but I can't get the BITS connection to operate securely with HTTPS. Right now I'm just using basic authentication through HTTP, so the login is being sent cleartext--which is not optimal :-) I would ...

Ignore certificate authority (self-signed) with BITS

Hi, I'm trying to upload a file with a client application using BITS (Microsoft's Background Intelligent Transfer Service) via HTTPS. The development server I'm uploading to/testing with does not have a properly signed certificate for SSL (it's self-signed). This means that the transfer always errors out, as BITS recognizes that the c...

Designing a BitStream in C#

I'm looking at the C# library called BitStream, which allows you to write and read any number of bits to a standard C# Stream object. I noticed what seemed to me a strange design decision: When adding bits to an empty byte, the bits are added to the MSB of the byte. For example: var s = new BitStream(); s.Write(true); Debug.Assert(s.To...

Unexpected bitshift results

I'm initializing an unsigned short int with a = 0xff (all bits are set). Then I assign b to a>>7 which should yield (0000 0001) and it does. However, the odd thing is that when I assign c to a<<7, it isn't equivalent to (1000 0000). I tested this by outputting 0x80 (which is 1000 0000) and c, but they aren't the same. Here is some code:...

How do we determine if a processor is 8-bit; 16-bit or 32-bit

Is it determined by size of the address buss; if yes then was 8086 a 20-bit processor? If no what is criteria for assigning a bit number like 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit to processor? ...

uninterlace bits from 16 bit value

I have a 16 bit value with its bits "interlaced". I want to get an array of 8 items (values 0 to 3) that stores the bits in this order: item 0: bits 7 and 15 item 1: bits 6 and 14 item 2: bits 5 and 13 ... item 7: bits 0 and 8 This is a trivial solution: function uninterlace(n) { return [((n>>7)&1)|((n>>14)&2), // bits 7 and 15 ...

c++ how to add a zero bits byte or null to a string

Hi I am doing a simple client implementation of TFTP. Here i need to send read request in following format /* send request 2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte ------------------------------------------------------ RRQ/ | 01/02 | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 | WRQ -----------------------------------------...

How do I get a a list of files from a web directory?

How do I get a a list of files from a web directory? If I access the web directory URL the internet browser list all the files in that directory. Now I just want to get that list in C# and download them in BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) . ...

How to use BITS in Powershell to upload / download files?

I've found some pages in Google regarding this, but they are either not complete or outdated. Is there a definite guide somewhere? Thanks ...

Accessing binary MP3 Header in C via fopen

I am trying to extract the mp3 header from a file. This is different then the ID3 tags -- the mp3 header is where information about the MPEG version, bit rate, frequency, etc is held. You can see an overview of the mp3 header structure here: My problem is, despite ...

Extracting numbers from a 32-bit integer

Hi, I'm trying to solve a riddle in a programming test. Disclaimer: It's a test for a job, but I'm not looking for an answer. I'm just looking for an understanding of how to do this. The test requires that I come up with a set of solutions to a set of problems within 2 weeks, and it doesn't state a requirement that I arrive at the so...

Generating a 160bit string which is stored in an array.

Hello! I'm trying to generate a random 160bit string which is supposed to be stored in a character array named str[20]. It's obvious that the array holds 20 characters. How can I change the 160bits into 20 characters/numbers? I'm trying to do this in C.. Any help is greatly appreciated as I've ran out of ideas and then helpdesk at my uni...