I'm writing a merge sort function, and right now I am just using a test case array (there is no input - this is static, for now). I don't know how to pass an array as an argument. Here is my code right now:
//merge sort first attempt
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
int mergeSort(int[]);
int main()
int originalarray[] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
int mergeSort(int[] originalarray)
int num = (sizeof(originalarray)/sizeof(int));
std::vector<int> original(num);
if (num > 2) {
return num;
// Fill the array using the elements of originalarray
// This is just for demonstration, normally original will be a parameter,
// so you won't be filling it up with anything.
std::copy(originalarray, originalarray + num, original.begin());
// Create farray and sarray of the appropriate size
std::vector<int> farray(num / 2);
std::vector<int> sarray(num - farray.size());
// Fill those using elements from original
std::copy(original.begin(), original.begin() + farray.size(), farray.begin());
std::copy(original.begin() + farray.size(), original.end(), sarray.begin());
Note that this mergeSort function is not functional, as I have not figured out how to merge them yet (that's my assignment). I would like to get my two vectors sorted before I deal with that, and I can't compile this because of my need to pass an array as an argument. I don't understand pointers, so if that is the solution, my excuse is ignorance. I'm learning programming right now, with C++ as a first language, and only have a basic grasp of the language's features. Thanks for the help.