The top post (Leigh Caldwell) will not return duplicate records and needs to be down modded. It will identify the duplicate keys. Furthermore, it will not work if your database doesn't allows the group by to not include all select fields (many do not).
If your date field includes a time stamp then you'll need to truncate that out using one of the methods documented above ( I prefer: dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,@DateTime)) ).
I think Scott Nichols gave the correct answer and here's a script to prove it:
declare @duplicates table (
id int,
datestamp datetime,
ipsum varchar(200))
insert into @duplicates (id,datestamp,ipsum) values (1,'9/12/2008','ipsum primis in faucibus')
insert into @duplicates (id,datestamp,ipsum) values (1,'9/12/2008','Vivamus consectetuer. ')
insert into @duplicates (id,datestamp,ipsum) values (2,'9/12/2008','condimentum posuere, quam.')
insert into @duplicates (id,datestamp,ipsum) values (2,'9/13/2008','Donec eu sapien vel dui')
insert into @duplicates (id,datestamp,ipsum) values (3,'9/12/2008','In velit nulla, faucibus sed')
select a.* from @duplicates a
inner join (select id,datestamp, count(1) as number
from @duplicates
group by id,datestamp
having count(1) > 1) b
on ( = and a.datestamp = b.datestamp)