The in-house system I develop and maintain (at a UK college) is always under fire from requests for new subsystems to be added, minor amendments to major overhauls and a steady stream of bug fixes from previous work.
The current consensus is that because it's developed in-house, changes(regardless of size) can be made on a whim, and deadlines usually in the negative "We need this yesterday". "Surely it can't be that big a job" is common-place.
As for tracking the changes made, I have an instance of mantis that's been in play for about a year, but as I'm the only one (of about 6) that's contributing to it, it's quite useless.
To those working on in-house systems: Is this the norm? Can it be remedied?
How would I go about putting a 'contract' almost, in place between the software development group, and the members of staff requesting the changes? Anything too overkill will just be gunned down, but not loose enough that deadlines and requirements are poorly defined and heads start rolling when a requested feature is late.