




Let's say I have a Product, Category, and Product_To_Category table. A Product can be in multiple categories.

    Product                     Category        Product_to_category
    ID   |   NAME               ID  | Name      Prod_id | Cat_id
    =====================       ============    ===================
        1| Rose                    1| Flowers          1| 1
        2| Chocolate Bar           2| Food             2| 2
        3| Chocolate Flower                            3| 1
                                                       3| 2

I would like an SQL query which gives me a result such as

    ProductName      | Category_1 | Category_2 | Category_3
    Rose             | Flowers    |            |
    Chocolate Flower | Flowers    | Food       |


The best way I've been able to get this is to union a bunch of queries together; one query for every expected number of categories for a given product.

select p.name, cat1.name, cat2.name
  product p, 
  (select * from category c, producttocategory pc where pc.category_id = c.id) cat1,
  (select * from category c, producttocategory pc where pc.category_id = c.id) cat2
where p.id = cat1.id 
  and p.id = cat2.id
  and cat1.id != cat2.id
union all
select p.name, cat1.name, null
  product p, 
  (select * from category c, producttocategory pc where pc.category_id = c.id) cat1
where p.id = cat1.id 
  and not exists (select 1 from producttocategory pc where pc.product_id = p.id and pc.category_id != cat1.id)

There are several problems with this.

  • First, I have to repeat this union for each expected category; if a product can be in 8 categories I'd need 8 queries.
  • Second, the categories are not uniformly put into the same columns. For example, sometimes a product might have 'Food, Flowers' and another time 'Flowers, Food'.

Does anyone know of a better way to do this? Also, does this technique have a technical name?

+2  A: 

I don't know what RDBMS you're using, but in MySQL you can use GROUP_CONCAT:

  GROUP_CONCAT(c.name SEPARATOR ', ') AS categories
  product p
  JOIN product_to_category pc ON p.id = pc.product_id
  JOIN category c ON c.id = pc.category_id
I think you also need to add GROUP BY, right?
Absolutely! Forgot about that, thanks!
+1  A: 

You can't create these results with a strict SQL query. What you're trying to produce is called a pivot table. Many reporting tools support this sort of behavior, where you would select your product and category, then turn the category into the pivot column.

I believe SQL Server Analysis Services supports functionality like this, too, but I don't have any experience with SSAS.

Adam Robinson
+1  A: 
SELECT p.name, cat_food.name, cat_flowers.name
  product p
  left outer join  Product_to_category pc_food 
    on p.id = pc_food.Prod_id
  left outer join Category cat_food
    on pc_food.Cat_id = cat_food.id
    AND cat_food.name = 'Food'
  left outer join  Product_to_category pc_flowers
    on p.id = pc_flowers.Prod_id
  left outer join Category cat_flowers
    on pc_flowers.Cat_id = cat_flowers.id
    AND cat_flowers.Name = 'Flowers'

It only works if you know the number of possible categories, to put them into columns. That's how (standard) SQL works, the number of columns is not dynamic.

Stefan Steinegger

Seb's answer put me onto the right track for a workaround. I am using Oracle and it has functions which emulate MYSQL's group_concat. Here is an example. This does not generate columns, and thus isn't as good as a pure SQL solution, but it is suitable for my current purposes.

with data as
    pc.id cat,
    p.id prod, 
    row_number() over( partition by p.id order by pc.id) rn,
    count(*) over (partition by p.id) cnt
  from product_to_category pc, product p
  where pc.product_id = p.id
select prod, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(cat, ','), ',') cats
  from data
 where rn = cnt
 start with rn = 1 connect by prior prod = prod and prior rn = rn - 1
 order by prod

This generates data such as

284  |   12
285  |   12
286  | 9,12

I can edit the ltrim(sys_connect_by_path()) column as needed to generate whatever data I need.

Mr. Shiny and New