I have a file with the following values:
for 3 threads:
Average time taken for API1 is: 19097.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19173.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19777.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19243.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API1 is: 19737.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19128.1 nanoseconds.
for 5 threads:
Average time taken for API1 is: 19097.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19173.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19777.7 nanoseconds.
I wish to calculate the sum of the 1API lines and the 2API lines, and sum them. Another requirement is that i also want to figure out for each thread on a separate basis. Is there a way to do this using perl, sed, awk or just shell scripts?
What I can current get is:
cat result | grep API1 | awk {'print $7'}