



I have a file with the following values:

for 3 threads:
Average time taken for API1 is: 19097.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19173.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19777.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19243.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API1 is: 19737.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19128.1 nanoseconds.
for 5 threads:
Average time taken for API1 is: 19097.7 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19173.1 nanoseconds.
Average time taken for API2 is: 19777.7 nanoseconds.

I wish to calculate the sum of the 1API lines and the 2API lines, and sum them. Another requirement is that i also want to figure out for each thread on a separate basis. Is there a way to do this using perl, sed, awk or just shell scripts?

What I can current get is:

cat result | grep API1 | awk {'print $7'}
+2  A: 

You can use a combination of grep en awk. grep to select only the lines with data (where API is in) and awk for the counting.

grep API file | awk '{ arr[$5]+=$7 } END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}   } ' -

(change file with filename or remove for reading from stdin)

If you want to calculate the different sums you can do this

awk '{ if($1 == "for") id = $2; else arr[id $5]+=$7 } END {for (i in arr) {print i,arr[i]}   } ' testfile


5API1 19097.7
5API2 38950.8
3API1 38835.4
3API2 77322
Peter Smit

short and unreadable:

perl -lane 'END{&h}sub h{print"\t$_ => $h{$_}"for keys%h;%h=()}&h,print,next if/^for/;$h{$F[4]}+=$F[6]' data

Readable, but must be a script:


use strict;
use warnings;

my %counts;
my $thread = "undefined";
while (<>) {
    if (/^for ([0-9]+)/) {
     $thread = $1;
    my ($item, $time) = /for (\S+) is: (\S+) nano/;
    $counts{$thread}{$item} += $time;

for my $thread (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %counts) {
    print "for $thread threads:\n";
    for my $item (sort keys %{$counts{$thread}}) {
     print "\t$item => $counts{$thread}{$item}\n";
Chas. Owens
hi, this does not meet the requirement of having different sums for the different number of threads given.
It would do if the first regex in the while loop was correct...
@Alnitak it looks good to me and I tested the code on the data provided, what do you think is wrong?
Chas. Owens

I don't understand your last requirement (there are no threads specified), but I'll get you a setup for that information and fulfill the requirement I can understand. The data is broken up so you can get to it. And although I don't understand how you'd use the 'for x threads:' line, it is at least captured, so you might be able to work with it.

use List::Util qw<sum>;

my $fh = FileHandle->new( PATH_TO_DATAFILE );
my $data 
    = { trial_times => []
      , totals      => {}
my $precision = 0;

while ( <$fh> ) { 
    if ( m/^for (\d+) threads:/ ) { 
        push @{$data->{trial_times}}, {};
    elsif ( m/^Average time taken for (API\w+) is: (\d+\.(\d+)) nanoseconds./ ) {
        push @{$data->{trial_times}[-1]{$1}}, $2;
        push @{ $data->{totals}->{$1} }, $2;
        $precision = length $3 if length $3 > $precision;

### $data

foreach my $api ( keys %{ $data->{totals} } ) { 
    my @list = @{ $data->{totals}{$api} };
    my $sum  =sum @list;

    printf "Sum for %d runs of API $api: %0.${precision}f (Average: %0.${precision}f)\n"
         , scalar @list, $sum, $sum / scalar @list

my @combined = map { @$_ } values %{$data->{totals}};
### @combined
my $sum      = sum @combined;
printf "Combined %d runs for %0.${precision}f total (Average: %0.${precision}f)\n"
    , scalar @combined, $sum, $sum / scalar @combined