I'm working on a Bruce Eckel exercise on how to take a keyboard command line input and put it into an array. It's supposed to take 3 separate inputs and place them into an array and print them back out.
Here is the code I have so far:
//: object/PushtoArray
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class PushtoArray {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] s = new String[3];
int i = 0;
//initialize console
Console c = System.console();
while ( i <= 2 ) {
//prompt entry:
//System.out.println("Enter entry #" + i + ": ");
s[i] = c.readLine("enter entry #" + i + ": ");
//increment counter
} //end while
//reset counter
i = 0;
//print out array
while ( i <= 2 ) {
} //end while
}//end main
} //end class
UPDATE: Now I get a different error:
PushtoArray.java:15: readline(boolean) in java.io.Console cannot be applied to (java.lang.string)
s[i]= c.readline("Enter entry #" + i + ": ");
I'm trying to read in from the command prompt but it isn't prompting at all. It compiles correctly when I javac the java file.
Am I using the wrong function? Should I be using a push method instead of an assignment?