




My goal is to write integrate a forum software with my shopping cart software.

For example, my application will automatically register the shopping cart members as forum members.

What forum software has a good API or extension capabilities that will allow me to do this?

+2  A: 

Does it have to be an api?,

i did similar using phpbb but just wrote directly to the database, most have db layouts that are easy enough to work out ?

No, it doesn't have to be an API. What forum(s) do recommend due to their easy db layout?
This is always how I do it as well, the forum doesn't know the difference as long as you're careful to do everything the way it expects.
Chad Birch
Personally PhPBB3 does everything i need, but i think its down to preference
My goal is that when my shopping cart members register on the shopping cart system, they are automatically registered on the forum. Is it true that I should create my own webservice that accepts requests from my shopping cart software and modifies the phpBB database?
Yup, Exactly that.
Use the login details that they give for the cart, and create a phpBB database entry for that account, so when they login to the forums using there Shopping cart account details the account already exsists.
How complicated is the PHP DB table structure in terms of adding a new member?
Quite simple, about all you'd have to do is insert a new row in the users table.
Chad Birch

Vanilla is a well designed piece of forum software for PHP, extensibility is a first-class citizen of the design process.

Of course, all major players in the field will offer some way to integrate with their forum. With enough time and effort, it would be possible to create some form of integration layer and support multiple forums, providing your users with a choice. Not a task I would envy you for, mind you.

Alex Barrett