



+1  A: 

Why would you want to program for this thing for the first place?
I guess borland C/ Turbo C should prabably work on it.

There is apparently also a Turbo C++.
And here's another source for various such things.

Dude this thing is vintage. Plus I want to make some cool games for it.
Lucas McCoy
"Why would you want to program for this thing for the first place?" Are you sure you're a programmer?
John Dibling
Also your answer doesn't work as Windows wasn't invented yet and the link you provided was for Windows 3.1. I need a compiler for DOS.
Lucas McCoy
It says windows but these should also work for DOS. you can confirm that using DOSBox.
Also, I would understand the vintage value if that was a cool Amiga or even a Commador 64 but a tandy PC? pffft.
@shoosh: Well I'm sorry I don't have a Commador 64 lying around. Listen this is what I have to work with.
Lucas McCoy
+2  A: 

Check this out.

But I have to say, if you're really going hardcore old school, you need to code in assembler.

John Dibling
This is going to be awesome! Thanks!
Lucas McCoy
Enjoy. I used PowerC when I was in college. Ahhhh, the good old days!
John Dibling
@John Dibling: Assembly, are you crazy? I'd rather program in GW-BASIC.
Lucas McCoy
+4  A: 

YOu might be able to use Turbo C 2.01. I could when I had a Tandy 1000HX.

Thedric Walker
Turbo C FTW! It's one of the niftiest DOS IDEs I've ever seen. And it compiles really quickly.
+2  A: 

Oh my God, I haven't seen one of those in forever. Okay, that's running a version of MS/DOS, no later than about MS/DOS 3 as I recall.

First thing is to make sure you can read and write a floppy on the XP computer that the Tandy will read.

You'll need to look for a fairly old version of Turbo C, even, I'd guess. You probably should look into the Tiny C Compiler.

Charlie Martin
You might be able to use laplink to transfer data from your new pc if it has a serial or parallel port
Martin Beckett

I would totally go for Turbo C that others have mentioned on here. They are very fast, easy to use, and in general have made me happy when coding in DOS.

PS: How do you plan to get Turbo C from the internet onto your machine? Via a terminal file transfer over serial port?


Given the restrictions on that old computer you might want to use your other PC to cross compile for the Tandy 1000 PC SX. If you are using Linux the it's easy to build a cross compiler for DOS with Dan Kegel's crosstool.

+1  A: 

The Digital Mars C++ compiler claims to still support 16-bit DOS and Win16.

I'm not sure if the compiler itself will run on those platforms or if you'd have to 'cross compile" on a Win32 system and copy the results to the Tandy.

Actually, I'm not sure it works at all, but the support claim is pretty prominent.

The nice thing about going with Digital Mars is that you'd be able to use a much more modern compiler than the old Turbo C/C++ that's freely available. I imagine that template and STL support is much better in Digital Mars than in the old Borland compilers.

Though, the old Borland stuff might have better out of the box UI frameworks and such or old DOS source code that you dig up might actually work better with the old compiler.

Michael Burr
for what it's worth, DMC is the current version of Symantec C++, and that was formally known as Zortech C/C++ and that actually ran on the Tandy