I've read this thread for WCF has inbuilt Custom Fault codes and stuff.
But what is the best practice for ASP.Net web services. Do I throw exceptions and let the client handle the exception or send Error code (success, failure etc) that the client would rely upon to do it's processing.
Update: Just to discuss further in case of SOAP, let's say the client makes a websvc call which is supposed to be a notification message (no return value expected), so everything goes smooth and no exceptions are thrown by the svc.
Now how will the client know if the notification call has gotten lost due to a communication/network problem or something in between the server and the client? compare this with not having any exception thrown. Client might assume it's a success. But it's not. The call got lost somewhere. Does sending a 'success' error code ensures to the client that the call went smooth? is there any other way to achieve this or is the scenario above even possible?