So far for C++ Linux development, I've used Eclipse CDT and Code::Blocks. Compared to Visual Studio on Windows, their code completion features aren't too great. Could someone please suggest an IDE that has better C++ code completion than what I have tried so far?
A thread on the Ubuntu Forums suggests that Code::Blocks is actually superior to Eclipse in terms of code completion (but the thread is 2 years old now; Eclipse has come quite far in terms of speed since then), and also Anjuta is a good (I tried to use it once but it was too unfamiliar for me)...
On a Linux newsgroup message, a user suggests that Kdevelop and Anjuta are no good for code completion, but mind you this is 3 years old now. Someone suggests going with Emacs + Slime but I'm not sure I want to move away from my familiar graphical IDE.
I use Gnome if that's important.
This question is asking about code completion. Please do not answer with your favorite IDE just because its your favorite... To justify your answer you need to have used both Eclipse CDT and Visual Studio, otherwise you have no basis for comparison, and therefore you're not really answering my question. Please also say why it's better than Eclipse and how it differs from Visual Studio's code completion.
Today is 21 May 09, I've just added a bounty as I'm still not convinced I've got the answer I'm looking for. I actually stumbled upon this when googling for linux code completion. Some are pretty close, Qt Creator seems good but it just felt really foreign to me, and there's something about KDevelop that doesn't quite gel with me. Geany seems to only support code completion for the local class, which isn't very useful (I could be wrong here)... I just need something that is: An IDE or plugin (e.g. for vi/emacs) that is as good at C++ code completion, as Visual Studio is for C# code completion.