Have a SomeLib.pro file that contains:
CONFIG += debug
TARGET = SomeLib
Then in a dependent SomeApp.pro:
debug:LIBS += -lSomeLib_debug
How can I force SomeApp to build if I touched SomeLib in qmake?
Have a SomeLib.pro file that contains:
CONFIG += debug
TARGET = SomeLib
Then in a dependent SomeApp.pro:
debug:LIBS += -lSomeLib_debug
How can I force SomeApp to build if I touched SomeLib in qmake?
surely that can't be possible, you are talking about using qmake to do a reverse dependency lookup? so what u want is for it to build app B (and any other app dependent on library A) after you've made a change to library A?
that's a bit like saying recompile all visual basic apps if vbrun300.dll is updated?
does not provide this ability.
Instead, put your app and lib in subdirectories, then create a Makefile in their parent directory that looks something like this:
all: FRC
cd Somelib && qmake && $(MAKE)
cd SomeApp && qmake && $(MAKE)
Then always run make
from this directory.
It's ugly because you need to give the exact library file name, but this should work:
TARGETDEPS += libfoo.a
In reply to Zahir's comment, it's perhaps worth pointing out that stating this dependency in qmake files is unnecessary if using DLLs, but is essential if your exe depends on a static library.
I used:
POST_TARGETDEPS += c:/open-en/lib/win32mingw/libosal_based.a
It works, but is clumsy since it is necessary specify full path to library, which is different for every operating system/compiler.