I want to get the auto incrementing id column for a create_table rails command to start at 500.
I've found examples of how to set the initial auto_increment id value in sql:
CREATE TABLE student ( id int(2) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', class varchar(10) NOT NULL default '', mark int(3) NOT NULL default '0', sex varchar(6) NOT NULL default 'male', UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) auto_increment=100000 TYPE=MyISAM;
So I looked at the Rails API and saw these options on the create_table method:
The options hash can include the following keys:
Whether to automatically add a primary key column. Defaults to true. Join tables for has_and_belongs_to_many should set :id => false.
The name of the primary key, if one is to be added automatically. Defaults to id.
Any extra options you want appended to the table definition.
Make a temporary table.
Set to true to drop the table before creating it. Defaults to false.
Not what I need... I tried this without success:
:options => {:auto_increment => 500}
Anyone know how to get the auto incrementing id column for this statement to start at 500:
create_table :contents do |t|
t.string :type, :null => false
t.string :name, :null => false