Hi, I've put UIsegment Control in my IPhone application.To load the pages I've this function - (void) segmentSelected:(id)segmentedCntl{ NSLog(@"Selected Segment Index = %d", [segmentedCntl selectedSegmentIndex]); int index = [segmentedCntl selectedSegmentIndex];
ViewController *viewController = (ViewController *) controller;
NSString *xPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"item[%d]/a", (index + 1)];
NSArray *items = [element nodesForXPath:xPath error:nil];
if([items count] > 0){
CXMLElement *itemElement = (CXMLElement *) [items objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *url = [[itemElement attributeForName:@"href"] stringValue];
NSLog(@"url is &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& %@", url);
if([url startsWith:@"#"]){
NSString *fullURL = [URLLoader getURL:url];
if(fullURL != nil){
if([fullURL contains:@"?"]){
fullURL = [fullURL stringByAppendingString:@"&iPhoneMode=app"];
fullURL = [fullURL stringByAppendingString:@"?iPhoneMode=app"];
[viewController showURL:fullURL cacheDuration:kPageCacheDuartion];
But the segmentControl is not clickable.Please help me to solve this problem