



Is there a way to sign an Jar for a JavaMe / j2me aplicattion, using Sun WTK via an ant task?

examples, or tutorials links would be appreciated.

+1  A: 

I've got a batch file for signing. Not sure how ANT works, but I'm sure you can figure out how to work this in:

java -jar "c:\SPRINT_WTK_31\bin\JadTool.jar" -addcert -alias sprintadp -keystore "c:\SPRINT_WTK_31\appdb\keystore.sks" -inputjad deployed\xxx.jad -outputjad deployed\xxx.jad

java -jar "c:\SPRINT_WTK_31\bin\JadTool.jar" -addjarsig -jarfile deployed\ -keystore "c:\SPRINT_WTK_31\appdb\keystore.sks" -keypass adp2006 -alias sprintadp -inputjad deployed\xxx.jad -outputjad deployed\xxx.jad

Of course, replace the Sprint ADP stuff with a real certificate (which I wish I had...), and replace Sprint's WTK path with Sun's WTK path.

that will do! just include in an ant command exec task. thanks!
Decio Lira

Alternatively, use the ant tasks that netbeans generates.

I´m more of a eclipse guy, I have never used netbeans that much really, but how does it generate theses tasks? I might take a look at! thanks!
Decio Lira
+2  A: 

You go a few option:

  1. Use the ant libary antenna which has additional tasks for building, packaging, signing midlets (
  2. Call wtk commands directly using exec
  3. Use a shell script

I can highly recommend the first option. To get you started on antenna look at the sample files provided in the download package.

+1 for recomending antenna!
Decio Lira