




I was trying to erase a range of elements from map based on particular condition. How do I do it using STL algorithms?

Initially I thought of using remove_if but it is not possible as remove_if does not work for associative container.

Is there any "remove_if" equivalent algorithm which works for map ?

As a simple option, I thought of looping through the map and erase. But is looping through the map and erasing a safe option?(as iterators get invalid after erase)

I used following example:

bool predicate(const std::pair<int,std::string>& x)
    return x.first > 2;

int main(void) 

    std::map<int, std::string> aMap;

    aMap[2] = "two";
    aMap[3] = "three";
    aMap[4] = "four";
    aMap[5] = "five";
    aMap[6] = "six";

//      does not work, an error
//  std::remove_if(aMap.begin(), aMap.end(), predicate);

    std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = aMap.begin();
    std::map<int, std::string>::iterator endIter = aMap.end();

    for(; iter != endIter; ++iter)
      if(Some Condition)
                            // is it safe ?

    return 0;
+14  A: 


for(; iter != endIter; )
            if(Some Condition)
                        // is it safe ?

What you had originally would increment the iterator twice if you did erase an element from it; you could potentially skip over elements that needed to be erased.

This is a common algorithm I've seen used and documented in many places.

[EDIT] You are correct that iterators are invalidated after an erase, but only iterators referencing the element that is erased, other iterators are still valid. Hence using iter++ in the erase() call.

Steve Folly
Yes, I've seen this algorithm on the newsgroups and have used it in production code. We kitted it up in a utility function in our toolbox.
Brian Neal
+2  A: 

I got this documentation from the excellent SGI STL reference:

Map has the important property that inserting a new element into a map does not invalidate iterators that point to existing elements. Erasing an element from a map also does not invalidate any iterators, except, of course, for iterators that actually point to the element that is being erased.

So, the iterator you have which is pointing at the element to be erased will of course be invalidated. Do something like this:

if (some condition)
  iterator here=iter++;
This is no different to the original code. iter++ increments the iterator then returns an iterator pointing at the element before the increment.
Steve Folly
But iter will not be invalidated since we then erase at the position of here
+1  A: 

From the bottom notes of:


a Pair Associative Container cannot provide mutable iterators (as defined in the Trivial Iterator requirements), because the value type of a mutable iterator must be Assignable, and pair is not Assignable. However, a Pair Associative Container can provide iterators that are not completely constant: iterators such that the expression (*i).second = d is valid.


IMHO there is no remove_if equivalent. You cant reorder a map. So remove_if can not put put your pairs of interest at the end on which you can call erase.


Steve Folly's answer I feel the more efficient.

Here is another easy-but-less efficient solution:

The solution uses remove_copy_if to copy the values we want into a new container, then swaps the contents of the original container with those of the new one:

std::map<int, std::string> aMap;

//Temporary map to hold the unremoved elements
std::map<int, std::string> aTempMap;

//copy unremoved values from aMap to aTempMap
std::remove_copy_if(aMap.begin(), aMap.end(), 
                    inserter(aTempMap, aTempMap.end()),

//Swap the contents of aMap and aTempMap
+1  A: 


Map has the important property that inserting a new element into a map does not invalidate iterators that point to existing elements. Erasing an element from a map also does not invalidate any iterators, except, of course, for iterators that actually point to the element that is being erased.

Second, the following code is good

for(; iter != endIter; )
    if(Some Condition)

When calling a function, the parameters are evaluated before the call to that function.

So when iter++ is evaluated before the call to erase, the ++ operator of the iterator will return the current item and will point to the next item after the call.
