




Rolled back to revision one, then edited somewhat. See revised question.

I have an interesting issue with the below SELECT.

Its about ORDER BY clause; I am trying to sort using a variable called "p_sortby".

Order by can be used by column name or column position, (1, 2, … etc. ).
Somehow, if I use position in the PL/SQL, it doesn’t work. So I have to use column name which we can’t simply passing a varchar2 string there, we need to use real column name. I noticed that it only applies to varchar2 type column though. It doesn’t apply to for instance, a number column.

Can you all please advise me on this kind of issue about how to solve.

/*I am sorry as I cannot paste the format correct here*/.

Could you all please edit the SELECT and put the required format.

select distinct gl.group_id, gl.group_name
     from test_group gl
    where gl.group_org_id = p_orgid
      and (   gl.group_name_key like '%' || p_name || '%' 
              or p_name is null
              or p_name = ''
      and (   gl.group_description_key like '%' || p_description || '%' 
              or p_description is null
              or p_description = ''
      and (   gl.status_code = p_statuscode
              or p_statuscode is null
              or p_statuscode = 99
      and gl.group_id in (
                  select gm.group_id
                      from test_group_member gm join test_org_person op
                                on gm.person_id = op.o_person_id
                           join test_person pp
                                on op.o_person_id = pp.person_id
                      where (   upper(pp.firstname) like
                                 '%' || upper(p_adminfirstname) || '%'
                                or p_adminfirstname is null
                                or p_adminfirstname = ''
                        and (   upper(pp.lastname) like
                                '%' || upper(p_adminlastname) || '%'
                                or p_adminlastname is null
                                or p_adminlastname = ''
                        and (   upper(op.emplid) like
                                '%' || upper(p_adminemployeeid) || '%'
                                or p_adminemployeeid is null
                                or p_adminemployeeid = ''
                        and gm.isadmin = 1)
     and gl.group_id in (
              select gm.group_id
                  from test_group_member gm join test_org_person op
                           on gm.person_id = op.o_person_id
                       join test_person pp
                           on op.o_person_id = pp.person_id
                  where (   upper(pp.firstname) like
                            '%' || upper(p_memberfirstname) || '%'
                            or p_memberfirstname is null
                            or p_memberfirstname = ''
                    and (   upper(pp.lastname) like
                            '%' || upper(p_memberlastname) || '%'
                            or p_memberlastname is null
                            or p_memberlastname = ''
                    and (   upper(op.emplid) like
                            '%' || upper(p_memberemployeeid) || '%'
                            or p_memberemployeeid is null
                            or p_memberemployeeid = ''
                    and gm.isadmin = 0)
+6  A: 

Try to select the ORDER BY clause as a separate column using the DECODE() function:

SELECT DECODE(p_sortby, 'ID', gl.group_id, 'NAME', group_name) AS sort, ...


I'm not sure what you mean by "doesn't work". If you mean that member_count is not sorted as you expect, use TO_CHAR(gl.member_count, '000000') to enforce a formatted string conversion. (adjust format mask to expected number of digits)

Awesome trick!!! +1. Definitely. Very clever. :-)
Pablo Santa Cruz
+1 - been needing something like this.
Tony k
Let’s say p_sortby = ‘memberCount’ in this case, I passed it as first argument in decode()**select distinct gl.group_id, decode('memberCount', 'name', gl.group_name_key,'description', gl.group_description_key, 'memberCount', gl.member_count) as p_sortby**Order by 2; It doesn’t work. But if I pass ‘name’ as first argument in decode, it works.. That’s my original issue about why it doesn’t apply on memberCount.

If you want to do that, you will have to do dynamic SQL with PL/SQL.

  sql_str VARCHAR2(500);
  sortby  VARCHAR2(30) := 'your_column_name';
 -- Dynamic PL/SQL block invokes subprogram:
  sql_str := 'select * from your_table where a = 1 order by :a';

  OPEN CURSOR v_your_cursor for sql_str USING sortby;

  -- Then iterate your cursor.
Pablo Santa Cruz

Hi Pablo,

Thanks a lot for your inputs. i have to sort using ORDER BY with a variable p_sortby where p_sortby can take any column_name or column position.


Hi Pablo, If your suggested way wouldn't work in PLSQL,then what else can i do it handle it. Please help me because i cannot use the option of creating Block,cursor,etc-It would involve a huge change in the architecture as we are using SQLs only.


Seems like dynamic SQL is what you want.

When you do things like:

... and (gl.group_name_key like '%' || p_name || '%' or p_name is null or p_name = '')

the optimizer can't use an index on the group_name_key column. Are you sure you want to do it this way?
