I need to load sound files to a Cocoa-based OpenAL app.
The OpenAL utility function alutLoadWAVFile has been deprecated; the alut header is no longer included in Mac OS X SDKs. According to the TechNotes, the actual code is still there for binary compatibility. However, if I attempt to add a declaration for the function, the code will compile but the linker will abort, complaining that the symbol for alutLoadWAVFile could not be found. (I am linking to the OpenAL.framework).
Yet, Apple OpenAL sample code still uses this symbol. When I Clean the sample code project, it compiles and links just fine. Yet there is no declaration of the function to be found. (Side question: how can it build and link, then?)
So, I found some code by George Warner at Apple, containing replacement functions for alutCreateBufferFromFile and alutLoadMemoryFromFile. Although capable of creating an OpenAL buffer directly from most any kind of audio file, the code appears to support only 8bit mono sound files. 16bit stereo or mono 44khz files result in a nasty hissing sound and clipping. (The files are ok; Quicktime plays them just fine.)
Thus, my question: can someone please point me to some .wav loading code/help for Cocoa/Carbon, suitable for use with an OpenAL Buffer? Thankyou.