



Like I understand, @synthesize actually is generating the Getters and Setters. But what's @property then doing? Is it just setting up the parameters for that cool @synthesize magic function?

+2  A: 

You write @property in header file

@property float value;

is equivalent to:

- (float)value; 
- (void)setValue:(float)newValue;

It get information for OTHER classes, that your class has this methods

@synthesize phisicaly CREATE these methods in class implementation

+3  A: 

@property declares the name as a property. This means, it will be accessible via the dot syntax (object.value).

@synthetize can be seen as a macro, that creates the getter and setter methods. It is useful to know that you can override those methods, even if you type have the @synthetize in place.

It's important to note, however, that methods declared as usual are accessible via the dot syntax, not just properties (though I would never recommend using dot syntax for anything that isn't a getter or setter). And, more importantly, without @synthesize, your properties aren't accessible by *any* method. If you use @property without @synthesize, it's exactly like declaring getter and setter methods, but never implementing them.
+2  A: 

@property declares getter and/or setter

@synthesize implements them.
