



+1  Q: 

web service

I have web service, which use integrated security in IIS. Now, I want to test my web service. I created a console application and adding web reference. now, when i m trying to use web method. It show 401 error. m i missing any authentication. I think i need to pass user name and password programatically. can anyone direct me in right direction.


You need to add your windows id on your desktop to the allowed users in IIS.

C. Ross
I can pass credential to pop up window, which appear on browser before accessing web service, and it work fine.Now, i created a test console application, where i added web reference. and discover web service. But when i try to use web method within test application, it shows 401 error in cosole.
+2  A: 

Set the web service credentials to the System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials in your console app

MyWebService proxy = new MyWebService();
proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;


pass credentials programmatically:

MyWebService proxy = new MyWebService();
proxy.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domainname");
Michael Kniskern
I have domainName\username and passwored.how can i pass these credential programatically?
Are you referencing the web service on your local workstation or a remote server?
Michael Kniskern
remote server.i know user name and password.
thank you Michael.
You can used the first solution if you are trying to debug a web service on your local workstation
Michael Kniskern