The post summarizes problems in using Screen in Mac's terminal when you have the following in your .zshrc
if [[ $STY = '' ]] then screen -xR; fi
- Solution #1 is not working but Solution #2 works: Clipboard programs: pbcopy, pbpaste and xsel do not work at all
- Bug in Vim when used in Mac: Unable to have no scattered windows in Screen by .Xresources.
- Solved: Ctrl A stops working in terminal. This suggests me that Screen's keyboard bindings need to be changed slightly.
- Solved: The scrolling with touchpad does not work. By editing your .screenrc the scrollback works normally (including touchpad)
- Solved: Unable to have Dvorak keybindings for Screen for moving in Scrollback mod.
- How can you use pbcopy/pbpaste/xsel inside Screen?