



I mean, next year from now on. Technologies always change. As programmers, we have to always learn new ones.

What technologies you've planned to learn? You'll learn it on demand or just because you like it?

Your answers will be very valuable to new programmers (like me) to orient ourselves what to learn.

EDIT: please focus on technologies, not personal target (a personal project, for example)

Thank you!


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EDIT: Sorry to have spoke a bit off topic. I want learn a new technology related to RIA like Silverlight,WPF,AIR not sure yet. I will surely be interested in concurrent programming technologies like C# 4.0 or Erlang (I am skeptic because of the syntax). If that ever happens and .net DLR gets ready for primetime, I want to do all my .net dev work in IronPython :)

I mean technologies, not personal target :)

Microsoft SilverLight + Perl + Assembler + ASP.NET + Ruby


Learn statistics, as suggested by Zed Shaw.

+2  A: 

I really want to learn F#

+1  A: 

I want to do something with clojure

Norbert Hartl
Looks like a very interesting language!
Yes, appears to me, too. It is so absolutely _not_ reinventing the wheel but adds on top. This is great. And the videos are great, too. Look at vimeo for clojure
Norbert Hartl
+1  A: 

It reminds me this question [][1] somehow.

Anyway, after been programming in Java and Perl for many years I'started learning groovy on grails and I've found it extremly useful and nice. In another posting here at stackoverflow somebody has claimed that this technology has the biggest future.


I'd like to learn WCF, JQuery and Silverlight for work related projects.

For fun, I'd like to learn F# or another functional language, Ruby on Rails and WPF.

Also, I'd love to finally have the time to read from cover-to-cover Refactoring by Martin Fowler.


Scala, Erlang, Clojure and Fan all spring to mind from a language point of view.

I never bothered to learn Hibernate or JSF, so they are on the list.

JQuery and Java FX are also on my radar.

I'd like to have a look at Flex as well.

In practice.. I will probably just get Scala up and running!


Silverlight and LINQ/EF


ASP.NET MVC -- I'm a db and tiny app dev now, but I got started in web development, and it'd be nice to find out how out of touch I am with it.

+1  A: 

Mac OS X programming -- Cocoa. I've already started on Cocoa-Touch. Cocoa-Touch has been a trip and my quick peaks in to Cocoa and Mac OS X programming indicates that I could have endless "fun" on this/these topics.

Frank V