



I am having an undesired effect when I drag a div from a container div which is set as overflow: scroll.

I have found an example of someone else where they have had the issue but I have been unable to find a resolution

Example on Paste bin

What happens is that the scroll is just increased, I can see why this would be the desired behaviour if you wanted to drag to a destination within the scrollable div but I want to be able to take it outside of its scrolling grasp.

Thanks, Phill

+4  A: 


Element, SelectorDefault:'parent'

The element passed to or selected by the appendTo option will be used as the draggable helper's container during dragging. By default, the helper is appended to the same container as the draggable.

Code examples Initialize a draggable with the appendTo option specified.

$('.selector').draggable({ appendTo: 'body' });
Chad Grant
I tried to do as you suggest but it is not changing it to the desired behaviour, when you add the code you mentioned into the example on the Paste bin page, does it work for you? Thanks
Phill Duffy
yeah, I totally fail on this question. I played with it for an hour. The best I can get is how I left it, draggable doesn't work with overflow :(
Chad Grant
No worries, I appreciate your effort! :)
Phill Duffy
+1 This actually worked for me.
+1  A: 

It certainly pays to pay attention to the documentation

All who enter here, learn from my mistake, RT(F)M!!!

Phill Duffy

found this one :


Phil, i'm having the exact problem you described.

no matter how many times i go through the documentation, i can't find the solution.

if you wouldn't mind posting what you found to solve your problem, then i might be able to use it to solve many.

here is my code

$(function() {
        revert: 'invalid', 
        scroll: false,
        containment: '#tagFun_div_main'
        accept: '.tag_cell',
        hoverClass: 'tf_dropBox_hover',
        activeClass: 'tf_dropBox_active',
        drop: function(event, ui) {

thank you,


Hi Seth, You need to look at the answer I marked:
Phill Duffy
Phill, thx for responding!I reviewed that link prior to posting my initial comment.I noted 'scroll: false', which I am already doing.Possibly there was something else relevant that I am missing?Thanks again.

Setting the scroll option does not stop children from being hidden in the overflow area. I have come up with a work-a-round that uses the helper option. Check it out:

Also here is a reference to another post I made:
