I am looking for any insight/direction on designing a simple web service. I would love to hear some thoughts on how to quickly get started, and what pitfalls to avoid. To simplify, here are the basics I'm looking to accomplish:
- Service should provide a simple database query and multi-value response.
- Service should provide a simple multi-value database insert.
Assuming use of open source tools, how should I begin on the server side? Given a MySQL database and HTTP web server (Apache), then there needs to some simple logic to connect to the database.
- Does any one language stand out as being best suited for this? (Java, C, Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP) I prefer Python, but are there performance concerns?
- Is it worth it to use an application server, or is that just overkill? (Tomcat, Axis, Django, ...)
- What other frameworks are out there to consider (CherryPy, TurboGears, RoR, ...)
- Is there any benefit using SOAP/REST and/or WSDL?
- How can I prevent spammers from performing bogus inserts.