How can I construct an object using a query if I also need to insert values in the parent object?
Clearly I'm using the wrong syntax.
EDITED, getting closer:
insert into myTable
mybigtype('foo', 'bar', 'fizzle', myarrayoflittletypes(
select ref(S)
from anotherTable S
where S.stname='dingle'
or S.stname='fangle')));
mylittletype was created as:
CREATE TYPE myarrayoflittletypes AS VARRAY(20) OF REF mylittletype
anotherTable was created as:
CREATE TABLE anotherTable OF mylittletype
mybigtype has a few strings and a type that's defined to hold an array of references to mylittletype objects. So I want to be able to insert a row into this table that creates an object of type mybigtype with the array constructed based on a query that I define. Can I do this all in one insertion? Or do I need to put in a null placeholder and UPDATE this field subsequently?
Oracle's current complaint is
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
So how can I get the multiple OID returns to this query into the array in the object I'm constructing?