I'm using the ibtool to localize my nibs. I run the following command:
ibtool --generate-strings-file MainMenu.strings en.lproj/MainMenu.nib
I then add the generated .strings file to the xcode project so that I can reference and edit it later.
When I do that, if I select the .strings file in xcode, it displays a bunch of upside question marks and garbage. However, if I choose not to add the file and manually open it using xcode, it reads the file perfectly.
I can only guess that ibtool is encoding the file in an unreadable xcode format.
If I open file .strings file in xcode, copy the contents to the clipboard, close the file, add the .strings file to xcode, replace its garbage contents w/ the contents in the clipboard, and then save the file, its fine. I also notice doing that will reduce the size of the .strings file by half.
Any guidance would be appreciated.