The Windows API DuplicateHandle() Requires the Object handle to be duplicated and a handle to both the original process AND the other process that you want to use the duplicated handle in.
I am assuming that if I have two UNRELATED processes, I could call DuplicateHandle() in either one so long as I had the required handles available?
My Question is about using a Pipe to communicate between the two processes to achieve this with an Event.
In the first process I CreateEvent(). Now I want to use WaitForSingleObject() in the second process.
If I try to duplicate the handle in the first process, I will need to first send the second process handle to the first process via the pipe, duplicate the handle and then send the handle over to the second process?
Alternativly, I could begin by sending the first process handle and the Event handle to the second process and just duplicate it there.
Is there a reason I should choose one over the other?
To add a wrinkle, the Event handle is actually inherited from the parent process that actually called the first process (which is a CGI application). If that Event handle was created with HANDLE_DO_NOT_DUPLICATE (something like that) then can I in fact use DuplicateHandle() to duplicate it for the second process?
Well I could create a new NAMED event in the first process and find it in the second process as suggested, but I am trying to DUPLICATE the event that was created in the parent of the first process and foreward it to the second process. This event is not a named event so I need to use DuplicateHandle().
I am using a pipe for the IPC. I am realizing that DuplicateHandle() will have to be called in the first process because the event handle is out of context when sent to the second process.
hProcPseudo = GetCurrentProcess()
//Then call either:
lpRealHandle = OpenProcess( PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, 0, hProcPseudo )
//This fails with GetLastError= 87 - The parameter is incorrect ???
// same thing with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS ??
lRet = DuplicateHandle( hProcPseudo, hProcPseudo, hProcPseudo, lpRealHandle, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, 0, 0 )
//then I can Duplicate my Event Handle in the first thread with:
lRet = DuplicateHandle( hLocalProcess, hEvent, lpRealHandle, hDupEvent, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, 0, 0)
The second process converts its handle with DuplicateHandle() detailed above converting
hProcPseudo= 4294967295
hProcess= 152
Then I pass this process handle to the first process via the named pipe. In the first process (where the event handle is valid) I call Duplicate handle:
DuplicateHandle( hFirstProcess, hEvent, hSecondProc, hDupEvent, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, 0, 0)
Unfortunatly I get the error:
DuplicateHandle hPipeFCGI GetLastError= 6 - The handle is invalid.
Further testing (substituting hFirstProcess) reveals it is hSecondProc that is invalid!??
Big Mystery.