




As I understand it, an App ID is an code that's unique for an single application. Every time I start developing an new application, I have to create a new App ID.

But I don't get it what's up with that "provisioning profile". Do I need one for each single app? What's that for?

+2  A: 

It's to protect the end users, by having a way to validate apps and their origin. It also serves as a centralized system to control development. On windows most apps use GUIDs for this, but they don't have any centralized info about them. Apple does, which is a pain at times, but it's a valid effort in the end.

Robert Gould
So each app has it's own App ID and it's own Provisioning Profile?
Yes indeed, each app has a AppID, but the provisioning is per device/developer and finally for submission, so posibly more than one on a team.
Robert Gould
+1  A: 

The provisioning profile contains a list of devices that are allowed to run or debug your code. Everything is verified with a digital signature, which ultimately lets Apple control distribution. This is why you need to jailbreak in order to get apps from sources outside the App Store.

Chris Lundie
oh so jailbroken iPhones don't need that provisioning profile in order to run an app?
But jailbroke apps can't be sold or distributed on the app store, and can cause issues if(when) Apple cracks down on them.
Robert Gould