



I use a VPN and Windows remote desktop to log onto my work computer, running Windows XP, from home, running Windows Vista 64. I Check up on long running data processing tasks, integration tests, or do quick code fixes. The only problem is I sometimes forget to move all my important windows over to the main screen and I only have one display at home. Does anyone know a way I can move the widows over to the main window without being able to see them? So far the only way I know how to do this is by closing them and reopening, which is not an option for a test that has been running for 10 hours.

I have see a few desktop management programs online which cost money but I don't to pay to solve something so simple.

+2  A: 

Right click on window in taskbar, choose Move and use arrow keys to move the window.

Optionally you can press Alt + Space when window is in focus to bring up the same menu with Move.

Window can't be maximized in order to move but you can Restore it using same menu.

awesome thanks! could not find that with google
I had to tell someone how to do this just recently, and ended up with the same solution.
R. Bemrose