



First of all, I am assuming this is NOT bad practice due to various popular software using this method, such as SMF.

Anyway, so I currently have this code:

// main visual config
$cfg['lang']    = 'en';

// paths
$path['admin']  = 'index.php?p=admin';
$path['admin2'] = 'zvfpcms/admin';
$path['root']   = 'zvfpcms';
$path['images'] = 'zvfpcms/img';
$path['css']    = 'zvfpcms/css';
$path['js']     = 'zvfpcms/js';
$path['pages']  = 'zvfpcms/pg';

The thing is, I want the $cfg variable(s) to be edited directly via an interface.

How would this be achieved? I cannot think replacing strings would be a good idea especially when there are a very large number of possibilities (or even infinite) for future $cfg variables I create.

Or, will I have to settle for a different method...

Answers appreciated!


Just have all the settings in your database, and when a setting changes, rebuild the config file.

Charlie Somerville
The software is flat-file, but I'll still respond. Take a hypothetical user, "Bob". Bob renames the zvfpcms folder. How would this be dealt with?
If it's flat file, use Spencer's idea of using XML files. If the script determines it is running in a different directory than what the XML file stipulates, the PHP config file should be rebuilt.
Charlie Somerville

Don't have your PHP edit PHP code. Use an XML config file instead. Read the XML info out, if you want to make a change, change the value in the data structure generated from the XML file and spit it back out into a new config file.

Spencer Ruport
Similar to mine, except you're using XML files.Either way is the best approach IMO.
Charlie Somerville
I think employing both approaches, depending on the particular setting, is the best way. Sometimes it's far simpler to just go straight to a file rather than digging around a db trying to remember which table stores config settings.
Spencer Ruport
Would this have any speed impacts considering the configuration's data is used on almost every page?
Using a flat-file would be less efficient than a database. If you can't use a database, then flat-file is obviously your only practical option.
Charlie Somerville
The difference would be negligible. ASP.Net uses flat files for many application wide settings.
Spencer Ruport

Either store the settings in a database, or you could use a standard ini-file (key=value pairs);


Read them:

function loadSettings() {
    $cfg = array();
    foreach (file('settings.ini') as $line) {
        list ($key, $value) = explode('=', $line);
        $cfg[$key] = $value;
    return $cfg;

File I/O are less efficiant than standard database calls thou, especially if you already have an open connection to a database.


The reason I believe that this IS bad practice is because you can have a running system before the edit, have some error in the edit (perhaps you didn't escape a single-quote character) and after the edit the entire application becomes unavailable because PHP can't parse the config file, which affects almost everything you do.

The XML suggestion isn't a bad one as you can handle any errors that occur while you're reading the XML.

If you had a database (reading this post it looks like you aren't using one, which is fine), that would be the best place for the data - that's what it's for. In a flat-file world, reading in a non-PHP file and interpreting it is far better than auto-editing the PHP files yourself.

Isn't there a function for escaping quotes? I think it was called addslashes?
There's plenty of escape routines - but that's just one error you can make that will make your entire application die. Think of it as an example rather than a checklist!
+1  A: 

Well, I just found Unkwntech's answer here... I'll keep it here for reference.

+1  A: 

Pear Config will let you read and write configuration easily to/from different sources, including a PHP file/array. You would probably need to move $cfg into its own file though and include it so that other variables etc. are unaffected.

You could also do it yourself using var_export() and then writing over the file, again you would probably need to move the variable into its own file. I think that this would write messier/less readable PHP than the Pear class.

Tom Haigh