These are the tasks (not an exclusive list) I think contribute to one being a good [IT] technical team lead ...
1) identification of and alignment with key parties
2) determination and the documentation of scope and approach
3) creation and publication of the build plan based upon agreed priorities
4) communication of the pipeline and target dates to the developers
5) daily tracking and documentation of progress
6) weekly summary reporting of progress to the PM using tracking documentation from point 5
7) awareness of issues and helping progress them towards resolution
8) awareness of risks and identification and actioning risk mitigation steps
9) amendments to the plan (duration, resource, prioritization) as new information becomes known during the course of the project and communication of the changes
10) arranging the availability and timely refresh of environments
11) sharing with the team information regarding the status, issues, concerns, important milestones, etc of the project as a whole
12) maintaince of a shared [organized] folder structure to share the various project and admininstration documents
13) communication with and escalation to senior management as appropriate
14) attending weekly project team leads meetings and discussing status, concerns, issues. Feeding back project news to the team.
15) organizing of quality assurance via peer reviews
I do not get involved with the technical work. I do keep abreast with the technologies so that I can make reasonable asessments on the technical estimates being provided by the team. Where necessary I ask developers to provide a plan (breakdown the work into steps) so that estimates can be reviewed in terms of lower level activities.
Also I think being able to understand the technology at a conceptual level is very important (basically domain knowledge). This helps me to participate, shape and contribute in technology discussions.
I work to ensure that the developers have a clear understanding of their priorities, of their target dates and encourage open and honest communication within the team.
The team appears to respond well to the above.