Hi All I am using Shark to profile my application on iphone. As per instruction in Shark user guide from http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/SharkUserGuide/SelectingExecutiontoSampleorTrace/SelectingExecutiontoSampleorTrace.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40005233-CH13-SW19
I am able to generate profile for my application. But most of functions in my application appear as unknown under symbol header. This is because I am using release version of application. The user guide suggest that symbol information can be generated by using symbolification information and symbol rich binary of application. So first I generated debug version of application retaining the debug information then generated release version and used shark to profile and then used FILE/symbolicate option and selected the debug version of application from Debug-iphoneOs. I get error symbolification failed. Can anyone suggest a method to eliminate this error?