



So there's a plist boolean in PhoneGap referencing the user's phone number? Can this be acquired? This StckOverflow question suggests not:

I'd like to auto-populate my app for the message "my number is..."


The wording of this is perhaps a bit ambiguous. If you look at the documentation for the UIWebView property detectsPhoneNumbers in the XCode documentation browser, you'll see that it doesn't detect the user's phone number, but rather identifies phone numbers in the HTML.

Here's a snippet from the relevant documentation:

By default, a web view automatically converts telephone numbers that appear in web content to Phone links. When a Phone link is tapped, the Phone application launches and dials the number. Set the detectsPhoneNumbers property to NO to turn off this default behavior.

The only way to uniquely identify an individual device is through its device ID property. This isn't an easy-to-read value, and only identifies the handset. So if a person buys a new phone, or sells their phone to someone else, the device ID is different.

Ahh, how about renaming that pref to "hyperlinkPhoneNumbers" then?