



How to simulating two client-controlled vehicles colliding (sensibly) in a typical client/server setup for a network game? I did read this eminent blog post on how to do distributed network physics in general (without traditional client prediction), but this question is specifically on how to handle collisions of owned objects.


Say client A is 20 ms ahead of server, client B 300 ms ahead of server (counting both latency and maximum jitter). This means that when the two vehicles collide, both clients will see the other as 320 ms behind - in the opposite direction of the velocity of the other vehicle. Head-to-head on a Swedish highway means a difference of 16 meters/17.5 yards!

What not to try

It is virtually impossible to extrapolate the positions, since I also have very complex vehicles with joints and bodies all over, which in turn have linear and angular positions, velocities and accelerations, not to mention states from user input.

+5  A: 

Perhaps the best thing that you can do is not so show the actual collision real time, but give the illusion that things are happening in real time.

Since the client is behind the server (lag), and the server needs to show the result of the collision, perhaps what you can do, client side, is to show a flash or explosion or some other graphic to distract the user and buy enough time on the server side to calculate the result of the collision.. When you are finished with the prediction, you ship it back to the client side for presentation.

Isn't that solution too naive? What if the collision never happens on the server?
Jonas Byström
People watch racing secretly hoping that they'll see a crash. - Let them eat cake!
Voting up for the cool idea. Perhaps this could work by pretending that predicted collisions that never happened were actually collisions that were not severe enough to cause any type of feedback to the colliding objects.
+2  A: 

Sorry to answer with "What not to try", but I've never heard of a solution that doesn't involve predicting the outcome on client side. Consider a simplified example:

Client A is stationary, and watching client B's vehicle approach a cliff. Client B's vehicle is capable of reducing speed to 0 instantly, and does so at the last possible moment before going over the cliff.

If Client A is attempting to show Client B's state in real time, Client A has no choice but to predict that Client B fell off the cliff. You see this a lot in MMORPGs designed such that a player's character is capable of stopping immediately when running full-speed. Otherwise, Client A could just show Client B's state as the state updates come in, but this isn't viable, as Client A needs to be able to interact with Client B in real time in your scenario (I assume).

Could you try simplifying the collision models so that extrapolation is possible for real time prediction? Maybe make your "joints and bodies all over" have processor-less-intensive physical models, like a few cubes or spheres. I'm not too familiar with how to improve the efficiency of collision detection, but I assume it's done by detecting collisions of models that are less complex than the visual models.

Good idea, but unfortunately very hard to do. All my models are already at a minimum, an excavator will for instance have only three joins for the arm, boom and hoe.
Jonas Byström
+10  A: 
Hmm. Like my previous comment. My dumb luck led me to a similar suggestion, but not nearly so eloquent. restated: "Let them eat cake!"
Exactly! Your idea of hiding the post-collision calculations in the aftermath is very good. Step 5 should be dedicated to you :) The crux of my suggestion is to take small liberties with the apparent position of the other vehicle *before* the collision takes place. I hope I made that distinction clear in my answer.
One problem with step 1 is that the server will have to extrapolate 600 ms ahead of current server time to get position of client B. To say the least, 0.6 seconds is looong time in a fast-paced racing game.
Jonas Byström
Plus this starts feeling weird when you take into consideration a 3rd vehicle ramming your 2 colliding (but at different locations on the players' screens) vehicles.
This might work head-on collisions, but is much too naive since most collisions are just minor bounces off one another. Consider for instance the truck having a jeep on top of its trailer. Or two race cars driving along side each other. Server simulation diverge too quickly.
Jonas Byström

Ross has a good point. You could simplify the model you use to detect collisions by abstracting it to some simpler volume (i.e. the rough boxy outline of the vehicle). Then you can do the predictions based on the simple volume and the detailed calculations on the exact volumes while you have the user distracted by the "explosion". It may not be perfect but would allow you to speed up your collision detection.


In addition to predicting on the client side where the other user might be and sending the collision information and how you handled it to the server, what most mmo's do to deal with lag is they have the server run "in the past" as it were. Basically they buffer the recent inputs but only react to what happened .1sec in the past. This lets you "peek into the future" when you need to (ie when a collision is about to happen in your time frame, you can look at the buffered input to see what will happen and decide if the collision is real).

Of course, this adds an extra layer of complexity to your program as you have to consider what data to send to your clients and how they should react to it. For example you could send the entire "future" buffer to the clients and let them see which possible collisions will actually happen and which won't.

This makes the server run even more behind the client. Or do you mean that both clients and server run "in the past", so that the normal pipe can be overridden by the more current but inaccurate "approximation pipe"?
Jonas Byström
Everything runs "in the past" but with information about some of the immediate future events. It really doesn't have to be too far into the past, certainly not far enough to really notice, just enough to give you an uniform buffer to help predict collisions (and other things).
+2  A: 

Regarding "What not to try". You are assuming that you need to predict perfectly, but you are never going to find a perfect solution in a game with complex physics. An approximation is probably the best you can do (for example, most commercial physics engines can cast a shape into the physics scene and return the first point of collision).

For example, I implemented some critical parts of the network physics for Mercenaries 2 under the guidance of Glenn (the blog poster you mentioned). It was impossible to push all of the necessary physics state across the wire for even a single rigid body. Havok physics gradually generates contact points each frame, so the current "contact manifold" is a necessary part of the physics state to keep the simulation deterministic. It's also way too much data. Instead, we sent over the desired transform and velocities and used forces and torques to gently push bodies into place. Errors are inevitable, so you need a good error correction scheme.

Evan Rogers
A more specific proposal (which has been suggested, but worth repeating): Keep an alternate physics scene of network-relevant bodies with simplified shapes and vehicle physics model. Use it to simulate from the remote player's last known frame to the current local frame and report the approximate point of any high velocity collision. This would allow a cheap, "pretty good" prediction which can be combined with error correction techniques.
Evan Rogers
What I ended up doing was simulating the physical bodies as close as possible to the remote ends', but "pushing" (or rather "sliding") the graphical representation. Similar soluation, but I think I got better determinism in this way.
Jonas Byström

What I eventually ended up doing was simply skipping prediction alltogether and simply doing this:

  1. Client has very much say about its own position,
  2. Server (almost) only says anything about the owning client's position when a "high energy" collision has happened with another dynamic object (i.e. not static environment).
  3. Client takes meshoffset=meshpos-physpos when receiving a positional update from the server and then sets meshpos=physpos+meshoffset each frame and gradually decreases meshoffset.

It looks quite good most of the time (in low latency situation), I don't even have to slerp my quaternions to get smooth transitions.

Skipping prediction probably gives high-latency clients an awful experiance, but I don't have time to dwell on this if I'm ever going to ship this indie game. Once in a while it's nice to create a half-ass solution that works good enough but best. ;)

Edit: I eventually ended up adding the "ownership" feature that Glen Fiedler (the blogger mentioned in the question) implemented for Mercenaries 2: each client gets ownership of (dynamic) objects that they collide with for a while. This was necessary since the penetration otherwise becomes deep in high latency and high speed situations. That soluation works just as great as you'd think when you see the GDC video presentation, can definitely recommend it!

Jonas Byström
So, the client can tell the server whatever it wants about its position? I don't see how that could be abused at all.
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft
Adding a slack contraint that checks that the client deviation isn't too big requires five minutes of coding. That will probably be enough for a long time to come.
Jonas Byström