



I had an nice UIScrollView inside my nib, which worked nicely. Then I had some very special needs and subclassed UIScrollView. In my Nib, I changed the class in the identity inspector to my subclass.

But for some reason, my -initWithFrame: method gets never called when the nib loader builds up all those objects from the nib. Actually I didn't change anything right now in my subclass. And the scroll view just works fine. Expect that it seems to be a blank UIScrollView even if I told the nib it should be an SpecializedUIScrollView for testing purposes.

Is there something else I must consider when subclassing a UIScrollView while still using a Nib file to bring it into perspective?

My dedicated initializer looks like this:

- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
    if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
     NSLog(@"Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!");
    return self;

I'm never seeing that Hello in the console, if I try to load that from the Nib. Of course, if I alloc and initialize that by myself, it works. But I dont want to position my scroll view programmatically around, if I can use that damn cool Interface Builder instead.

+1  A: 

Objects in a nib or xib are stored as serialized objects, this may mean you have to use the awakeFromNib method because init methods are never called.

That worked! Thanks!