I need to make calls to a webservice from a javaFX client. is there some sort of wsimport type tool that I can use to generate javaFX client stubs from a deployed WSDL.
thank you for your response, i'm not familiar with javafx, i'm just trying to help a javaFX team integrate with my web service. javaFX can instantiate/call java classes?
Absolutely. The other way around is a little hard (have Java call javaFX code) but still doable. For the simple case of calling Java from JavaFX, start here: http://jfx.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_do_I_refer_to_a_fully-qualified_java_class.3F
2009-05-08 19:56:49
Suppose you have a "MyJavaClass.java"
import somePackadge.MyJavaClass
var myObject:MyJavaClass = new MyJavaClass();
myObject.setSomething("this is something");
Refer to "http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/scripting/javafx/javafx_and_java/" for more information
JavaFX Supports only RESTfull webservices out of the box. You can however use existing Java tools for generating WSDL stubs and use the generated classes from your JavaFX Script classes.
2009-05-09 08:48:55
Working JavaFX examples for JSON, RSS, Google API, Yahoo API - http://jfxstudio.wordpress.com/2009/07/24/javafx-web-services/