I recently had an interview at a small company that wants to greatly increase its web presence, including re-writing their Flash homepage and opening an e-commerce site. If given the position, I would be the sole developer on staff.
I've been working with Rails for a number of years, and haven't looked at PHP in quite some time. However, if I was to get the job, I would be in a position to recommend the framework, as there aren't any development-savvy people already on staff.
I think for many non-programmers PHP still has huge name recognition out there as THE language for building sites, so it acts as logical default for many companies.
If I was offered this job, how could I compare the pros and cons of Rails vs PHP (with an appropriate framework) without getting into technical terminology? A key consideration here is that there are probably a lot more LAMP developers in the area than Rails developers, and I don't want my own personal preferences to impact the long-term sustainability of the code base.
Or should I just accept that a PHP/Zend site is just as good as a Rails site, even if it's less fun to develop?
(Please no religious arguments!)