i'm tired of reinventing the wheel on PHP and loving jQuery to death so which framework fits my needs?
2009-05-09 07:53:58
oh thanks! but i'm waiting for personal experiences!
2009-05-09 15:40:10
Drupal also use jQuery. Depending on what kind of development you do, you may find drupal to be a nice tool, it is not just a framework but also a full grown CMS, which enables you to do really rapid development. You might however feel more in control with a framework such as the Zend framework, cakePHP or codeIgniter. www.drupal.org
Kristian Lunde
2009-05-10 22:55:07
The Yii framework is written around jQuery and include Zii, a jQuery UI based interface generator. It's blazingly fast and very complete.
Brice Le Blevennec
2010-04-06 14:01:48