Having volunteered to maintain a stagnant CPAN package (GnuPG) I'd like improve the install files such that they exit gracefully if the gpg
binary (which GnuPG is a wrapper for) cannot be found. After a bit of seeking inspiration from other packages, I've come up with adding this to Makefile.PL:
my @paths = grep { -x "$_/gpg" } split /:/, $ENV{PATH}, $ENV{PGP_PATH};
unless ( scalar @paths ) {
print <<EOD;
I can't find the gpg binary on your system. If it's not installed in your usual PATH, set $ENV{PGP_PATH} to include where it can be found and try installing again.
'NAME' => 'GnuPG',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'GnuPG.pm',
'EXE_FILES' => [ gpgmailtunl ],
'LIBS' => [ @paths ],
Does that look sane?