
Is it possible to deliver cross-platform binaries of FreePascal using only one host OS ?

I'm doing a little app that I want to distribute in different platforms, at least the 3 major ones. Is it possible to use only Windows has the host OS to compile the binaries for Linux, Mac OS X and other supported platforms without resorting to virtual machines? Or should I ask around in some community to help me compile on, well OS X...

tools for diffing windows binaries?

Our QA team wants to focus their testing based on what EXEs and DLLs have actually changed between builds. We have a nice svn change report, but the relationship between source and changed binaries isn't always obvious. The builds we're comparing are always full clean builds, so we can't use file system timestamps. I'm looking for t...

How do I concatenate two binaries in Erlang?

How do I concatenate two binaries in Erlang? For example, let's say I have: B1 = <<1,2>>. B2 = <<3,4>>. How do I concatenate B1 and B2 to create a binary B3 which is <<1,2,3,4>>? The reason I am asking this is because I am writing code to encode a packet for some networking protocol. I am implementing this by writing encoders for th...

svn client binaries for windows

Where are the windows binaries for the command line version of svn?? Everywhere I search, it has to be some company's fancy client software with an installer. Just give me the plain command-line binaries, where the hell are they?? I'm working on a machine where I don't have administrator account ...

Is there some place to download an AIX mod_jk binary?

I needed to front tomcat with apache on AIX, but there is nothing in and googling around was unsuccessful. I eventually built it from source (painful as there is bureaucracy around getting the compilers installed at this large corporate). But shouldn't this binary downl...

How can I check if a binary dependency is available in Perl?

Having volunteered to maintain a stagnant CPAN package (GnuPG) I'd like improve the install files such that they exit gracefully if the gpg binary (which GnuPG is a wrapper for) cannot be found. After a bit of seeking inspiration from other packages, I've come up with adding this to Makefile.PL: my @paths = grep { -x "$_/gpg" } split /:...

How should I use this piece of open-source code with the BSD License attached?

I just found some nice open-source code at The Code Project and it's attached with the BSD License. Well, the article states in the end that the code is licensed under the BSD License. But none of the source code files had any reference to the license, they have some copyright text though. The download also didn't come with some kind of ...

I still have some questions about the BSD License usage

Let's say I'm doing this application where I include some class I found on the web with the BSD License attached. I know that this license allows me to modify the code and I have the need for it. Now, the BSD license states the year and the copyright holder name, let's say we are talking about some piece of code written by John Doe. 1)...

How to get a list of binaries located in particular folder with their versions (using command line in Win XP) ?

I would like to get a list like below: a.dll 1.0.0 b.dll 1.0.1 c.dll 1.0.2 ...

How to rsync files matched by .hgignore between two hg repositories.

Hi, How would you rsync files that are not tracked by mercurial between two repositories? My .hgignore looks like this: syntax: glob *.mat *.pdf *.asv *.bz *.tar *.zip *.7zip *.rar *.gz *.wmv *.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.tif *.tiff *.gif *.avi *.mpg *.node *.ncb *.pdb *.ele *.hh *.html *.htm *.xsl *.log *.o *.ilk *.cvs* *.vproj *.pro...

Can I distribute unmodified GPLed executable binaries with my close source commercial application ?

For instance my close source and commercial application creates a movie file. Can this application with a command line launch an executable GPL viewer ? Can I freely distribute this unmodified GPL executable with my application ? Do I have to add the unmodified GPL source code of this GPL viewer to my distribution ? thanks ...

Binary dependency Graph Drawing...

Hi I Need a tool to have the dependency graph of some binary codes, not for open codes... Can you suggest me any thing? ...

Is it possible to execute binary files in java?

Hi, I have a list of binaries written in java, ada,C, python and I want to execute them. How to do that ? Is there any JVM binding to those languages ? Thanks for your answers ...

LuaJava and Latest LuaBinaries

Does anyone know if LuaJava works out of the box with the latest LuaBinaries or just the 5.1.1 binaries? Thanks. ...

Can I install binaries into the GAC via a VSIX installer?

I've got a hybrid installer which drops binaries on the target machine (WIX) as well as installs templates into Visual Studo (VSIX). The VSIX is stored as a binary in the installer and is installed via a custom action when the installation is finalized. It works, but there are a few issues. I could get around those issues if I could s...

Missing PDB file and referenced output

My .Net Application, A, has a reference to library B. Library B has a reference to Library C. When I rebuild A (in debug mode), its output directory contains me the B.DLL and B.PDB files, but only the C.DLL file. C.PDB is missing, or rather it is not being copied from its project's debug folder. In fact, looking at B's output directory,...

cannot compile mac os x c++ project for host architecture

Hello, I have to create a universal binary for a dylib but I'm having some problems on compile time. I am able to build my sources on mac os x 10.5 (i386 arch) but when I'm trying to compile the same sources from a mac os x 10.6 with target i386 (cause the default one on 10.6 is x86_64) I'm getting errors. I also tried to use the 10.5 ...