
How do I change the locations of source files in a symbols file (pdb)

Basically what I want to do it this: a pdb file contains a location of source files (e.g. C:\dev\proj1\helloworld.cs). Is it possible to modify that pdb file so that it contains a different location (e.g. \more\differenter\location\proj1\helloworld.cs)? ...

Any recommended VC++ settings for better PDB analysis on release builds

Are there any VC++ settings I should know about to generate better PDB files that contain more information? I have a crash dump analysis system in place based on the project crashrpt. Also, my production build server has the source code installed on the D:\, but my development machine has the source code on the C:\. I entered the sou...

What does the PDB get me while debugging and how do I know it's working?

I have to use a third-party component without source code. I have the release DLL and release PDB file. Let's call it 'CorporateComponent.dll'. My own code creates objects from this DLL and calls methods on these objects. CorpObject o = new CorpObject(); Int32 result = o.DoSomethingLousy(); While debugging, the method 'DoSomethingLous...

How do I use PDB files

I have heard using PDB files can help diagnose where a crash occurred. My basic understanding is that you give Visual studio the source file, the pdb file and the crash information (from Dr Watson?) Can someone please explain how it all works / what is involved? (Thank you!) ...

PDB files in VisualStudio bin\debug folders

I have a VS (2008) solution consisting of several projects, not all in the same namespace. When I build the solution, all the dlls used by the top level project TopProject are copied into the TopProject\bin\debug folder. However, the corresponding .pdb files are only copied for some of the other projects. This is a pain, for example when...

How do I determine the file and line # of a C# method from a symbols (.pdb) file?

pdb files contain symbol information for .NET assemblies. I'd like to read a pdb file in order to correlate methods with their file location. The data is contained within it but I can't seem to find a good description of how to get it out. I know about mdbg, but that is very heavy (I think/hope) for what I want. ...

Visual Studio 2008 - Add Reference

When adding a DLL as a reference to an ASP.Net project, VS2008 adds several files to the bin directory. If the DLL is called foo.dll, VS2008 adds foo.dll.refresh, foo.pdb and foo.xml. I know what foo.dll is :-), why does VS2008 add the other three files? What do those three files do? Can I delete them? Do they need to be added in so...

How do I get Srcsrv with SVNindex.cmd to index extern files ?

I have recently made use of the SrcSrv feature in the Debugging Tools For Windows, but have noticed that when I index the pdb with SVNIndex.cmd it does not pick up any of the files that are from an external link. Any suggestions ? ...

Is there a devenv flag to disable pdb generation at compile time?

Our continuous integration system currently runs a perl script to parse our sln/proj files to set the following options: DebugInformationFormat="0" GenerateDebugInformation="FALSE" Preventing generation of pdbs allows us to increase the parallelization of the CIS compile. However, this method seems hacky and occasionally fails - is th...

Is there a good C++ crash reporting library that works well with Visual Studio 2005?

After reading this previous discussion and this one, it looked as though Crashrpt was exactly what I was looking for, but it seems it's no longer being maintained and, after playing with it, found it doesn't work well with Visual Studio 2005. Is anyone using Crashrpt with Visual Studio 2005? If not, can anyone recommend a good C++ solu...

What is the best way to distribute .Net binaries and PDBs?

We altready have a similar question here but the discussion do not cover all the aspect, so I'm asking again: What is the best way to distribute a .Net application considering build mode (release vs. debug) and distribution of PDB files? Having a good reference to an article covering these aspects would be great. Consider also the dist...

Why does VS 2008 create PDBs for some RELEASE projects but not others?

I have a solution containing several projects that have migrated from VS 2003, 2005, 2008. When compiling all the projects for the RELEASE configuration, VS 2008 creates PDB files for some projects, but not others. Why? In the Build tab of the Properties page for each project, I can see they all have "Define DEBUG constant" unchecked an...

What is the format (schema) of .NET PDB files?

What is the format (schema) of .NET PDB files? I'd like to parse the information out of these files so that I can display the correct lines of code (line numbers) in a debugging application. ...

How do I merge multiple PDB files ?

We are currently using a single command line tool to build our product on both Windows and Linux. Si far its works nicely, allowing us to build out of source and with finer dependencies than what any of our previous build system allowed. This buys us great incremental and parallel build capabilities. To describe shortly the build proce...

Can optimizations affect the ability to debug a VC++ app using its PDB?

In order to be able to properly debug release builds a PDB file is needed. Can the PDB file become less usable when the compiler uses different kinds of optimizations (FPO, PGO, intrinsic functions, inlining etc.)? If so, is the effect of optimization severe or merely cause adjacent lines of code to get mixed up? (I'm using VC2005, and ...

How much information do pdb files contain? (C# / .NET)

Is is wise to redistribute the pdb files along with a commercial application? Occasionally, I'm using the stack trace to get a more detailed error reporting logs from the deployed applications; can this functionality be achieved without relying to those files? Also, how much hints of the original source code does these files contain? W...

Unable to create PDB file

For some reason this error started popping up today on one of my projects. Error 1 Unable to write to output file 'C:\MyProject\Release\MyProject.pdb': Unspecified error If I go into advanced compile options and change it to not generate and debug info, my project compiles fine. I have tried setting the permissions on the Rele...

How to get stack trace information for logging in production when using the GAC

I would like to get stack trace (file name and line number) information for logging exceptions etc. in a production environment. The DLLs are installed in the GAC. Is there any way to do this? This article says about putting PDB files in the GAC: You can spot these easily because they will say you need to copy the debug symbols (.pd...

How to include source code location information (file/line/column) in .NET assembly?

I need to be able to get from .NET assembly a class/struct/interface definition location (filename,begin_line,begin_column,end_line,end_column) in my source files. First solution that came to my mind was using some pdb quering api, but it seems that I can obtain such info only for method definition this way. Or maybe I'm wrong... To pr...

Does pdb provide information about type definitions in source files?

I know about DIA api, dbghelp. But can i use them to extract type definition location info such as file, begin_line, begin_column, end_line, end_column from my assembly and pdb generated? If the answer is yes, can someone point me to the simple example out there? ...