I am interested to know how people organise their code libraries, particularly with respect to reusable components. I am talking in OO terms below but I am interested in how your organise libraries for other types of language also.
For example:
- Are you a stickler for class library projects for everything or do you prefer to keep everything in a single project?
- Do you reuse your prebuilt DLLs or do you include individual classes from previous projects in your current work? If individual classes, do you share them between the projects to ensure all are kept up to date or do you permit branching?
- How large are your reusable elements? How focussed are they? How are they focussed?
- What level of reuse do you attain through your preferred practices?
I am not looking for specific guidance here, I am just interested in people's thoughts and practices. I am particularly interested in the reuse of code between disparate projects, rather than within a single project. (Unfortunately the use of 'project' here is misleading - I mean reuse between real-world projects undertaken for customers, not projects in a Visual Studio sense.)