



What resources would you recommend on the subject?
What I am looking for is practical advice on the differences of different approaches (MVC, MVP, Presenter First, Humble Dialog), their implementation details (setting it up, passing messages around, connecting) and unit / automated integration testing approaches. My main interest would be Qt but I can adapt resources targeting different frameworks.

+3  A: 

Well if you're looking at Qt - have you seen the QTestLib?

I am interested in something more generic. QTestLib could fit from my point of view to a scenario of integration testing. This is actually how I use it. In the unit testing level it would be hard to use it since it is based around replaying / driving gui actions and also needs one executable per SUT. This would make the tests a bit slow.There are a lot of resources on unit testing (books, lectures etc.) but none seems to deal with the quirks of both c++ and gui testing.
Yorgos Pagles
QTestLib does much more than that. I use it most of my unit testing, even on plain C/C++ projects. The data driven tests are useful and it supports most things people would expect. Also, one executable per SUT is only a default, not a requirement. You can easily wrap it, as I have, to allow all tests to be run or specific tests to be run.
Kaleb Pederson
OK I won't argue that, I use googletest and googlemock for my unit tests. Just a different flavor of the same thing each having it's pros and cons. My question targets something more generic. Like if you decide to go with a Model View Presenter pattern for creating the dialogs of your application how will you wire them up, handle communication between the various MVP triads, etc. Because answering something like that is not in the scope of SO (would require a lengthy answer) I am simply asking of resources (books, online lectures whatever) on the subject.
Yorgos Pagles